medical care

Routine care
Better care begins by listening to our clients. We cannot stress how important you are in providing us with a history of how your pet is acting at home. With these clues and a thorough physical exam we can discuss prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. It is important for your pet's overall health to have a yearly physical exam.
The veterinarian will check your pet’s ears, eyes, teeth, skin and hair & coat, and listen to their heart and lungs. This information is recorded and can be compared to past exams to see how your pet's health is progressing with age.

Our pets rely on us for healthy and content lives. Therefore, we are responsible for their well-being and the upkeep of their vaccinations. Many of the serious diseases of dogs can be prevented by vaccination. Vaccination is inexpensive protection against costly treatment or even premature death of your dog. After the initial vaccination course,
four injections 4 weeks apart, it is recommended that your pet is vaccinated every 12 months. The vaccination also includes a general health check.Vaccination is inexpensive protection against costly treatment or even premature death of your dog. After the initial vaccination course,

parasite control
At Honeydew Animal Clinic, we understand that parasite control is a crucial aspect of your pet's overall well-being. That's why we offer a range of internal and external parasite control options to keep your furry friends healthy and happy. Our experienced team can help you choose the best treatment plan for your pet's specific needs, whether it's for worms, ticks, fleas, or any other pesky parasites.

The whole procedure takes just a few seconds. A small capsule, the size of a grain of rice, containing the animal's unique registration number is simply inserted under the skin at the back of the animal's neck. The microchip number can be read via a handheld scanner. Vets, the S.P.C.A. and pet rescue centers all have suitable microchip scanners. The name and address details relating to the microchip number are all stored on a national database. If your pet becomes lost it can easily be identified and its owner contacted.

health certificates
Every pet or animal traveling internationally must comply with the specific set of veterinary requirements, prior to departure, pertinent to their destination country. The length of veterinary preparations can take weeks or even months, it all depends on your destination countries requirements. Some countries only require a microchip and a rabies vaccination but others might require a microchip, a rabies vaccination and a rabies Titre blood test which entails a 3 months waiting period. For full details on pet relocation visit

Senior Wellness
Did you know that dogs are considered seniors at seven years old and cats at nine? Pets age more rapidly than humans, which means diseases and illnesses progress more quickly as well. With advancements in veterinary medicine, our furry companions are living longer, but age-related conditions like arthritis and diabetes can still arise. We're here to partner with you in ensuring your pet ages gracefully, offering personalized recommendations for diet, supplements, and preventative care, including biannual exams and lab work to maintain their health and happiness.​